9 Ways To Get Thinner By Morning

9 Ways To Get Thinner By Morning

David Zinczenko, author of the Zero Belly Diet, found nine surefire ways to get thinner by morning--just by cutting and adding a few basic routines! Click here to learn more!


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It's a well-known fact that you're always your thinnest in the morning before you start eating. Have you ever wondered if you could continue to feel that thin throughout the day? Or have you wondered if you could feel even thinner by morning?

David Zinczenko, author of the Zero Belly Diet, found nine surefire ways to get thinner by morning--just by cutting and adding a few basic routines!

Check out the list below:

1. Cut out yogurt.
"I cut yogurt out of my diet for several reasons," Zinczenko explains. "First, while yogurt has a reputation for fostering healthy belly bacteria, the reality is quite different. Most yogurts are so high in added sugar that they actually feed the bad bacteria in your gut." Yogurt, he explains, is also high in lactose, or milk sugar, that many Americans have a heard time breaking down (i.e., lactose intolerance). "The combination of the two can cause bloating and inflammation that can make you look and feel fatter than you are."

2. Do the Thruster.
This one exercise will help you feel results almost immediately, and overtime, you'll lose some serious weight. To begin, stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a pair of dumbbells by your shoulders, palms facing each other. Lower your hips into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. In one sweeping motion, extend your legs to stand up straight and lift your arms above your head. Do this as many times as you can, but be sure to start out slow.

3. Take a shower before bed.
When you sleep, your body is attempting to cool down from all the day's activities. When you don't sleep well, you may find that you're more anxious or stressed throughout the day. A quick tip to get better sleep? Shower right before bed. This will activate your body's thermostat and ensure that you'll fall asleep faster and get a good night's sleep. It also helps stimulate brown fat!

4. Eat this decadent breakfast.
Since you've tossed out your yogurt, you may be wondering what you should eat instead to promote good gut health. Well, try tossing together some quick oats, dark chocolate shavings, some berries, nuts, and a dash of cinnamon. "Together, these ingredients will work with the happy bacteria in your colon to produce butyrate, a fatty acid your body needs," Zinczenko explains. "Higher levels of butyrate reduce inflammation in your body, and help reduce insulin resistance as well. Less inflammation means less bloating and a slimmer you!"

5. Cut your salt consumption.
Forget the Chinese food and salty popcorn, and you'll feel slimmer tomorrow. Just think: at P.F. Chang's, an order of Dan Dan Noodles and some Hot & Sour soup packs over 14,170 milligrams of salt. That's literally seven days worth of salt in one sitting.

6. Check your gums.
No, not the gums in your mouth. Sugarless gum can actually cause you to bloat, which will make you look and feel fatter. "Studies show that sorbitol, a sugar alcohol used in most sugarless gums, takes a relatively long time to digest, and undigested sorbitol in your small intestines acts as a hothouse for the fermentation of bacteria, causing bloating and flatulence." Not only that, but every time you chew that little piece of gum, your brain will trigger hunger hormones.

7.  Ditch the energy bars.
They really should just be called "calorie bars," because that's all these little bars have to offer. First, they generally contain a lot of whey, which can cause bloating for those who have a hard time digesting dairy. They're also packed with soybeans which have been found to cause gas. Not only that, but a lot of chemicals are added to energy bars. In some cases, energy bars are just glorified candy bars. Just stay away!

8. Cut out dried fruit.
Dried fruit can be an incredible source of fiber and nutrients (not to mention, it's super convenient), but some people suffer from fructose malabsorption, "which occurs when the body has difficulty absorbing natural sugar." Of course, dried fruits pack a little more sugar than their former selves, which means it can cause some serious bloating and inflammation for some.

9. Try a plant-protein smoothie.
Protein drinks are an amazing way to get a bunch of nutrients from just one healthy snack. However, "most commercial drinks are filled with unpronounceable chemicals that can upset our gut health and cause inflammation and bloat." Not to mention, those high doses of whey can add to the bloat, which can be painful for some. "Try vegan protein, which will give you the same fat-burning hunger-squelching, muscle-building benefits, without the bloat."

What do you think about these tips? Which ones will you try? Let us know in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2015 caztaylor15/Instagram

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