6 Surprising Foods That Are Actually Sabotaging Your Diet

6 Surprising Foods That Are Actually Sabotaging Your Diet

There are many foods that you may be eating on a daily basis that are actually making you hungrier. Read on to see which foods are sabotaging your diet!


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When you are trying to eat right, there are many things that can get in your way.

You may be eating foods that seem healthy but that are actually not beneficial to your diet or believing you can exert self-control and end up overindulging.

There are many foods that you may be eating on a daily basis that are actually making you hungrier and it is no fault of yours.

Enemy Food #1: Cheese

Most of us are raised to believe that dairy foods are good for us. While it is true that dairy does provide us with many nutrients and vitamins, dairy has an effect on our bodies that naturally crave the proteins they get from dairy foods. So when you eat cheese, your body is triggered and you end up wanting more. While some cheese isn’t bad, it is usually high in fat, which is no good for healthy eating.

Enemy Food #2: Fruit Juice

Fruit juice is kind of tricky. It comes from fruit and you are always being told to eat your fruit and veggies. So, why is fruit juice bad? The reality is that any fruit can be bad because it is high in sugar. When that fruit is turned into juice, the sugar is easier to consume. Drinking doesn’t really satisfy the body as much as actually eating something does. So, you are more likely to overindulge when consuming juice. It is better to just eat the fruit, in moderation, of course.

Enemy Food #3: Low Fat Foods

Anything labeled low fat is best to avoid because this label can be very deceiving. In order to lower the fat content and still keep the taste, most low fat items have added sugar. As you know, sugar is just as bad as fat. There is no use trading one evil for another. It is a better idea to choose healthy food items instead of trying to eat treats labeled low fat.

Enemy Food #4: Granola Bars

In the past, granola was always touted for its health appeal. However, while granola may contain some healthy elements, when put together in a bar, it is usually loaded with sugar and fat. You don’t want either of these items in your healthy diet. Besides that, they often aren’t enough to fill you up and will simply leave you feeling more hungry and reaching for something else to eat.

Enemy Food #5: Ketchup

This beloved condiment may be hard to give up, but once you realize it is packed with sugar, you may think twice before grabbing for that bottle. Ketchup usually contains a form of sugar called high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). HFCS actually has an effect on the body where it masks your natural feelings of being full. With ketchup smothered on your meal, you may not feel full, even though you are, and end up over eating.

Enemy Food #6: Salty Snacks

Salt is a curious ingredient. Our bodies do need some salt, but when found as an additive to foods, salt becomes a danger. Salt makes you feel dehydrated and encourages your body to keep eating, confusing thirst with hunger. That is why you can never eat just one of those potato chips. In addition, these snacks are usually loaded with carbohydrates and fat with little to no health benefits. Even those snacks that say they are healthy are a danger if they are salty.

Sometimes snacks may seem healthy when they are not. Then there are times when you may feel like you have enough self-control to eat only a small serving of a food. In any of these cases, it is the hidden ingredients and properties of the foods that are dangerous to your healthy eating plan. So, make sure you really understand what you are eating before you begin to snack.

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